London Marathon 2023

On Sunday 23rd April four intrepid Biggleswade AC runners took on the 26.2 miles of the London Marathon. Congratulations go to:

Charlie Arnold (65-69) finishing 4:01:12
Paula Faller (40-44) finishing 03:52:48
Nick Haworth (45-49) finishing 03:20:35
Helen Kapur (60-64) finishing 06:03:52

If you feel inspired why not give Biggleswade AC a try! We are a friendly, supportive Club with a thriving road running section as well as offering track and field activities. Sessions take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings plus lots of socials and opportunities to compete at races/events. Check out Training Information for further details. And if you fancy giving the London Marathon a go but are unlucky to get in through the ballot, Biggleswade AC is allocated one entry each year available to a Club member wishing to run (based on certain criteria being met).