Upcoming Events

Sandy One Mile Open

Sandy One Mile Open

track-fest.6Biggleswade Athletic Club is hosting a one mile open on the evening of September 11th. The open is for all abilities and includes a walking event and a 1500m race. We will confirm at a later date wether this event will have electronic timing.

Booking is open on the Roster Athletics booking system: Click Here

For more information please contact the club via social media or David Brown: david.brown@biggleswadeac.org.ac.uk


Biggleswade Athletic Club Track & Field Fest 2024

Jumps Fest Wednesday 19th June at 6pm

Track Fest Wednesday 17th July at 6pm (includes 10,000m Beds Championship)

Throws Fest Wednesday 21st August at 6pm

Sandy Athletic Track, Medusa Way, Sandy SG19 1BL

Entry fee £8 per event. 

For further information on how to register and the event timetable, please visit 

Jumps Fest

Track Fest

Throws Fest